Living for him!

Friday 29 July 2011

Husbands.. do we really NEED them?

Today after my husband and I got home from work I decided to go fishing.
Now we BOTH LOVEE fishing. We go out as often as we can. Well he is fixing up our boat and I knew he really wanted to work on it. The problem was I really wanted to go fishing.
We have a tin tipy boat that was already in the water. I decided I would head out on my own!! (We live on the Black River so I didnt have to go far)

I paddled out.. Ergg.. then got myself in a comfortable spot where I wouldnt drift to much and starting fishing.. I had a few nibbles and kinda caught one fish... if you can count have in on your line and jumping out of the water then off the hook and one.. LOL
The problem with the black river is well its black.. you cant see a thing a couple of inches past the surface. I keept snagging the line.. over and over and over.. now usually I would pass the rod to Russ take his and keep fishing while he unsnagged mine. The problem was it was just  me... The first couple of times I did it no problem.. I thought to myself huh.. I dont need Russ! Well then I really snagged her! I tried and tried. Couldnt get it. I was there for about 15min pulling and whipping it in every direction... she wasnt going anywhere.
Eventually I just cut the line and paddle home. On the way home I thought about how much I need Russ. Not to just unsnag my line but in everyother area of my life. Isnt that how God designed it? It wasnt good for man to be alone.. or women to be alone while she fish lol.

God designed us to HELP eachother. In the areas that I am weak, those happen to be his strengths. In the areas that he is weak I am strong. Its the way we were designed... to become one..and when we are thats when we both work at our best.

Im thankful for my weakness because those are my husbands strengths!

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