Living for him!

Friday 2 September 2011

Effect Witnessing

Ever wonder how to witness and see results? To actually be impacting the world around you?

Ive have some ideas that work for me.

Here I go!..

The first and formost is totally submission to God. Waking up everyday and asking him how you can serve him and who you can encourage that day.

The next is understanding that we are the Lords hands and feet.. understanding the responsibility that God has gifted us with. We can use our influence to serve theLord.

People are going some where when they die.. you could change there course just by inviting and investing. Really loving people right where they are.

Most of the time these relationship require some kind of sacrifice.. you really must lay down your life for your friends. Listen to Gods prompting, step out of your comfort zone, you could be changing where someone spends eternity!

Tuesday 9 August 2011


Well I did my first run on Sunday and lets say it was less then idealistic. It was crazy hot and i didnt have the best experience. Looking back though I realize maybe I could have gone farther if I had had a better attitude. During my run of course your mind wanders and it keept going back to complaints and negative thinking. I dont know if I would have gone farther maybe I would have of maybe I wouldnt have but it clearly affected me alot!

I was carrying around some extra baggage. Is there some thing in your life that you need to let go of? unforgiveness.. a bad relationship..some scars or hurts from your past.. or maybe just your bad attitude. I heard an ironic thing this week. How can we run freely when we are carrying around some extra baggage?

We need to let go of these things not for other people but for us because these things are like a cancer to our soul.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

To Judge or not to Judge that is the question????

I know Judgement is something that most people struggle with. Ive never meet one person who doesnt or has had a problem with judging others. This has come up alot lately in my life. Is there an appropriate time to judge people? If so when is it ok and when is it out of control?

Well I get most of my wisdom from the bible so it makes sense that we should look at what it has to say. One of the most famous verses on judging comes from Matthew 7:1-6 (ESV) 

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with judgment you pronouce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brothers eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to to your brother 'let me take the speck out of you eye,' when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, FIRST TAKE THE LOG OUT OF YOUR OWN EYE, AND THEN YOU WILL SEE CLEARLY TO TAKE THE SPECK OUT OF YOUR OWN"

Now in the bible the last part is not caps lol. The reason I did it was to show that the verse doesnt say you can never judge people but more it is telling you to call in to question the MOTIVE behind your judgment, MOST times its for person gain, to make people feel small so we will feel better about our lives.

In my life I always notice sin in other peoples lives that I struggle or have struggled with... So im always tempted to say whew! Im not as bad as that person.. or Ive never taken it THAT far...BUT all sin is equal in Gods eyes and I wont be asked to give an account of someone elses life.. only my own... well that puts things in different perspective!

There is a second verse I would also like to touch on.. With that being said then who can we judge? , And by what standards! This verse comes from 1 Corinthians 5 the verse we are talking about is about a man who is sleeping with his mother in-law!! Everyone in the church was happy he was there.. no one was doing anything.. so Paul writes to them...

"9 I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people-- not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters, since the you would need to go out of the world. But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immoratlity or greded, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler--not even eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? IS IT NOT THOSE INSIDE THE CHURCH WHOME YOU ARE TO JUDGE? GOD JUDGES THOSE OUTSIDE."

For some reason we in the church have this backwards... we like to judge those on the outside when really we should be looking inside the church. Those on the outside have NEVER commeted to the same moral standard as we have so how can we hold them to it?

Now when it comes to judging those inside its usually never welcomed with open arms. I just had an experience with someone I know.. I challenged the way that they acted and the things they said.. they still held to there inital reaction of unlove. This so saddens me... because if someone ever sees me acting without love or grace they are welcome to come and talk to me... in love lol.

Now its not like im perfect or coming from a place where people who I love and who love Jesus have not talked to me about my attitude its happened before and let me tell you its hard... but it makes not want to go there again because you dont want to ever have someone talk to you.

My point is that we should be holding our brothers and sisters in Christ to a higher standard.. we need to take those aside privatly and point the sin out.. ONCE we have our motives in line... and have prayed about it!!!!

Is there someone in your life who needs to hear the truth? Or maybe that person is you? Is there some undealt with sin in your life? Deal with it. Dont wait for someone to have to tell you!

Proverbs 27:6 says it well " Faithful are the wounds from a friend, profuse are the kisses from an enemy"

Friday 29 July 2011

Husbands.. do we really NEED them?

Today after my husband and I got home from work I decided to go fishing.
Now we BOTH LOVEE fishing. We go out as often as we can. Well he is fixing up our boat and I knew he really wanted to work on it. The problem was I really wanted to go fishing.
We have a tin tipy boat that was already in the water. I decided I would head out on my own!! (We live on the Black River so I didnt have to go far)

I paddled out.. Ergg.. then got myself in a comfortable spot where I wouldnt drift to much and starting fishing.. I had a few nibbles and kinda caught one fish... if you can count have in on your line and jumping out of the water then off the hook and one.. LOL
The problem with the black river is well its black.. you cant see a thing a couple of inches past the surface. I keept snagging the line.. over and over and over.. now usually I would pass the rod to Russ take his and keep fishing while he unsnagged mine. The problem was it was just  me... The first couple of times I did it no problem.. I thought to myself huh.. I dont need Russ! Well then I really snagged her! I tried and tried. Couldnt get it. I was there for about 15min pulling and whipping it in every direction... she wasnt going anywhere.
Eventually I just cut the line and paddle home. On the way home I thought about how much I need Russ. Not to just unsnag my line but in everyother area of my life. Isnt that how God designed it? It wasnt good for man to be alone.. or women to be alone while she fish lol.

God designed us to HELP eachother. In the areas that I am weak, those happen to be his strengths. In the areas that he is weak I am strong. Its the way we were designed... to become one..and when we are thats when we both work at our best.

Im thankful for my weakness because those are my husbands strengths!

Wednesday 27 July 2011

First Blogging Experience

I dont know what drove me to get a blog but I figured there must be other people out there who are struggling with similar things as me and could use advice and encouragement!

Ive been a Christian since I was 18. My husband and I just bought a house and got married. We live in Washago on the Black River. Being married has been the greatest challenge and funnest adventure of my whole life. When someone knows you as well as he knows me its almost scary but you feel an intense joy that someone really knows you and yet still loves you!! He is just like Jesus to me, loving encouraging and challenging me to be more Christ like.

I just gave up meat. The other day I was listening to our local Christian Radio station and there was this women who sturggled with REALLY praying for her friends. How often have you said that you would pray and forgot? Well she gave up coffee to pray for her friend. I decided to become a vegatarian instead! Lol
So far its going well. I never realized how much meat I eat!! Mmmm better start praying!

I have two really good friends. Rachel, who about a year and a half ago came to know the Lord and the other is Julia. They are both runners so I figured Id better start as to not be left out lol. Someone I got signed up for a half marathon!! Thats going to be interesting! On August 7th Im running my first 10km. To get up everyother day and run has been a struggle but having goals is helping!

Well I guess this was my first blog!!!/jessie.scott3